RINGMesh  Version 5.0.0
A programming library for geological model meshes
How to compile RINGMesh

RINGMesh is tested under Linux (64 bits) and Windows (64 bits). You will need CMake (version >= 2.8.11). There is no other dependency (everything you need is shipped with RINGMesh). Follow the Linux, Mac OS or Windows instructions below.

To clone RINGMesh you need Mercurial (https://www.mercurial-scm.org/). You also need to have Git (https://git-scm.com/) for RINGMesh subrepositories (without it the cloning will fail). Make sure that Git binary directory is in your computer path (environment variable). Under Windows, after installing Git you should have in your path environment variable: C: Files. Warning: TortoiseGit (https://tortoisegit.org/) does not install Git, whereas TortoiseHg (https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/TortoiseHg) installs Mercurial (tested on Windows 10).


Configuring RINGMesh

Execute cmake command in a RINGMesh/build directory.

  • mkdir build
  • cd build

To configure using default options:

  • cmake ..

To define the options, use the cmake interface:

  • cmake-gui .. or ccmake ..

Compiling RINGMesh

To compile you need the following packages (on Debian-based linux):

  • build-essential
  • libx11-dev
  • libxrandr-dev
  • libxinerama-dev
  • libxcursor-dev
  • freeglut3-dev
  • libxi-dev

Note: you need gcc/g++ version higher or equal to 4.8 to compile RINGMesh.

Then, to compile RINGMesh, go to RINGMesh root directory and:

  • cd build/ringmesh/Release
  • make [-j4]

To build in debug, go to build/ringmesh/Debug instead.

Note: if you get this error during geogram gfx compilation "No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so'" (occured for Ubuntu 17.04), do:

  • sudo rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so
  • sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so

Eclipse-cdt project is provided (.project and .cproject). You can import RINGMesh into Eclipse: File>Import...>General>Existing Projects into Workspace. Click on next, then select the root directory (RINGMesh directory) then click on Finish. There are two build configurations: release and debug. There is a target to clean and compile. There are also targets to build/rebuild geogram.

Compiling the documentation

  • Check the BUILD_DOCUMENTATION option when using cmake
    • cd build
    • ccmake ..
    • set BUILD_DOCUMENTATION option to ON
    • configure and generate
  • cd build/ringmesh/Release
  • make doc-devkit OR make doc-devkit-lite

You can also build the documentation through eclipse (see available targets). See the documentation section for more details.


Configuring RINGMesh

Launch CMake GUI, indicate where is the source code as the path to RINGMesh root and where to put the binaries as this_root/build/ringmesh. Configuration options can be set in using the interface.

RINGMesh has previously been compiled with:

  • Visual Studio 10 2010 Win64
  • Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64
  • Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64
  • Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
  • Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64

Compiling RINGMesh

Make sure that you have installed C++ package for VisualStudio through the VisualStudio installer. You can either launch building in VisualStudio or calling cmake in command line in the build directory created at the configuration step:

  • cmake –build . –config Release
  • cmake –build . –config Debug
  • cmake –build . –config RelWithDebInfo

The available compilation modes are:

  • Release
  • Debug
  • RelWithDebInfo (mandatory to debug a Gocad plugin in Debug mode with a Gocad in Release, there are issues between libraries in Debug linked to a Gocad plugin)

Compiling the documentation

  • Check the BUILD_DOCUMENTATION option when using cmake
  • Open the solution which is in build/ringmesh/RINGmesh.sln in VisualStudio
  • Build the doc-devkit or the doc-devkit-lite project

See the documentation section for more details.

Mac OS

Configuring RINGMesh

Using clang (without Xcode)

As in Linux.

Using Xcode IDE

As in Windows but with the Xcode generator (use "-G Xcode" if you use cmake in command lines).

Compiling RINGMesh

You need to install the Mac OS "Command Line Developer Tools".

Note: you need gcc/g++ version higher or equal to 4.2 to compile RINGMesh. In Mac OS, clang is used.

Using clang (without Xcode)

As in Linux except for the packages.

Using Xcode IDE

You need to install Xcode IDE. Open the build/ringmesh/RINGMesh.xcodeproj with Xcode IDE, and then compile (as in Windows with VisualStudio). Or use these command lines:

  • cd build/ringmesh
  • xcodebuild -project RINGMesh.xcodeproj -alltargets -configuration Release

To build in Debug, replace "Release" by "Debug" after "-configuration".

Compiling the documentation

See the documentation section for more details.

Using clang (without Xcode)

As in Linux.

Using Xcode IDE

As in Windows with VisualStudio but with Xcode.

About documentation

The documentation can be generated using Doxygen. Two targets are available:

  • doc-devkit include full documentation of RINGMesh and Geogram
  • doc-devkit-lite include only the RINGMesh documentation

Then you can go in doc/devkit[-lite]/html and open the index.html with your web browser. A ringmesh.qch file is generated in doc/devkit[-lite]/html (to load in Qt Assistant).