Version 5.0.0
A programming library for geological model meshes
The key object of RingMesh is the GeoModel that represents a geological model.
A model is defined by its constitutive elements (RINGMesh::GeoModelEntity) that can be derived into several classes:
The RINGMesh::GeoModelEntity stores the basic required information to identify an element of the RINGMesh::GeoModel:
A RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity is an abstract class of the RINGMesh::GeoModelEntity. It stores a RINGMesh::Mesh to support the Geometry of:
The low level classes implement methods to operate on meshes according to their dimension.
A RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity is an abstract class of the RINGMesh::GeoModelEntity. It stores the connectivity between RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity to provide a geological meaning to geometrical entities. It uses a kind of parent/child implementation. Built-in RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity (sub-classes) in RINGMesh are:
It is possible to define other kinds of RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity by deriving RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity.
The GeoModelMesh is one mesh built from copying and merging the RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity. Description of the GeoModelMesh
The class RINGMesh::GeoModelBuilder implements functions to build and modify the elements of a RINGMesh::GeoModel. Any new builder should derive from this class. Three main builders are implemented: