Eric Galin



Augustin Gouy and Pauline Collon and Vincent Bailly-Comte and Christophe Antoine and Eric Galin and Benoît Thebault and Philippe Landrein.
in: Journal of Hydrology, 632 (130878)


Benoıt Thebault and Pauline Collon and Christophe Antoine and Axel Paris and Eric Galin.
in: 2022 {RING} {Meeting}, pages 18, ASGA


Axel Paris and Eric Guérin and Adrien Peytavie and Pauline Collon and Eric Galin.
in: Journ{\'e}es Fran{\c c}aises de l'Informatique Graphique JFIG 2021
Axel Paris and Adrien Peytavie and Eric Guérin and Pauline Collon and Eric Galin.
in: Computer Graphics Forum