Capitalizing on more than 25 years of research in geomodeling, we have developed multidisciplinary skills in geoscience, software and engineering. One result of our expertize is the extensive production of data and models.
The following zip files contain the structural surfacic model and the volumic grid of the Merlebach coal mine area as described in the paper by Collon et al., 2015.
You may copy, reuse, modify and redistribute these models for any purpose without limitations, provided that you cite : Collon, P., Steckiewicz-Laurent, W., Pellerin, J., Laurent, G., Caumon, G., Reichart, G., Vaute, L., 2015. 3D geomodelling combining implicit surfaces and Voronoi-based remeshing: A case study in the Lorraine Coal Basin (France). Comput. Geosci. 77, 29–43. and respect the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
The following zip file provides the dip measurements, DEM, satellite images, and interpreted curves of the stratigraphic levels and salt boundary used to built the 3D geomodel of the SIVAS minibasin, that you can look in 3D here.
You may copy, reuse, modify and redistribute these models for any purpose without limitations, provided that you cite : Collon, P., Pichat, A., Kergaravat, C., Botella, A., Caumon, G., Ringenbach, J., Callot, J.-P., 2016. 3D modeling from outcrop data in a salt tectonic context: Example from the Inceyol minibasin, Sivas Basin, Turkey. Interpretation 4, SM17–SM31. and respect the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
We provide 9 synthetic structural models. Their purpose is to test and benchmark geomodeling algorithms on geomodels models of increasing complexity. You may copy, reuse, modify and redistribute these models for any purpose without limitations, provided that you cite this paper: Pellerin J, Caumon G, Julio C, Mejia-Herrera P & Botella A. (2015). Elements for measuring the complexity of 3D structural models: Connectivity and geometry. Computers & Geosciences 76:130‑140. DOI:10.1016/j.cageo.2015.01.002 and respect the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
- The original boundary representation models: SyntheticModels (Gocad .ml files) (5.9MB)
On this webpage you can visualize and manipulate 3D models that have been built and exported to an HTML page using two Gocad plugins (FaultMod2 and WebExporter) developped and maintained by the members of the RING team. Those examples were generated by Gabriel Godefroy during his PhD.