Stéphane Conreaux

Phd Thesis

{M}odélisation de 3-{V}ariétés à base topologique~: application à la géologie.



Stéphane Conreaux.
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine


Stéphane Conreaux and Yves Bertrand and Bruno Levy and Jean-Laurent Mallet.
in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Laurent Souche and Stéphane Conreaux and Bruno Levy.
in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Bruno Levy and Stéphane Conreaux and Jean-Laurent Mallet and Pascal Lienhardt.
in: Proc. $19^{th}$ Gocad Meeting, Nancy
Stéphane Conreaux and Bruno Levy.
in: Proc. $19^{th}$ Gocad Meeting, pages 164-174, ASGA


Stéphane Conreaux and Bruno Levy.
in: 17th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Jérôme Massot and Stéphane Conreaux.
in: 17th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Stéphane Conreaux and N. Boucard.
in: 18th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Jean-Laurent Mallet and Bruno Levy and Stéphane Conreaux and A. Fousse.
in: 15th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Stéphane Conreaux and Bruno Levy.
in: 16th gOcad Meeting (Dallas), ASGA