Building a 3D Gocad model without cutting surfaces: notion of Trimmed Triangulated Surface and Soft-Model

Olivier Grosse. ( 2001 )
in: 21st gOcad Meeting, ASGA


A 3D model is a partition of the 3D space into closed volumes called regions. In Gocad, 3D regions are bounded by a set of oriented surfaces. In order to build a consistent model, these surfaces must have perfect topological and geometrical junctions. This condition is fulfilled thanks to the cut and the cut-with- constraints tools. However, editing the geometry and the topology of such a model is not trivial and leads up to an intensive retriangulation of the surfaces composing the model. In this paper, we will present an alternate method which do not require to cut the surfaces before building a model. This is achieved thanks to two new objects: the Trimmed Triangulated Surface (or more briefly Trimmed-TSurf) and the Soft-Model.

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     abstract = { A 3D model is a partition of the 3D space into closed volumes called regions. In Gocad, 3D regions are bounded by a set of oriented surfaces. In order to build a consistent model, these surfaces must have perfect topological and geometrical junctions. This condition is fulfilled thanks to the cut and the cut-with- constraints tools. However, editing the geometry and the topology of such a model is not trivial and leads up to an intensive retriangulation of the surfaces composing the model. In this paper, we will present an alternate method which do not require to cut the surfaces before building a model. This is achieved thanks to two new objects: the Trimmed Triangulated Surface (or more briefly Trimmed-TSurf) and the Soft-Model. },
     author = { Grosse, Olivier },
     booktitle = { 21st gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Building a 3D Gocad model without cutting surfaces: notion of Trimmed Triangulated Surface and Soft-Model },
     year = { 2001 }