Computation of smooth second derivatives on irregular triangulated surfaces

Jean-Laurent Mallet and Charles H. Sword and Wolfgang Velten. ( 1997 )
in: 15th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


3D model representation using irregular triangulated surfaces has become a powerful tool for modeling complex geologies. Often however, hybrid approaches have ta be used ta update those models, as algorithms depend on the smoothness of the surfaces, its normals and even its second derivatives. Especially ta guarantee continuity of the second derivatives (curvature) is a difficult task. Existing interpolation algorithms are often highly ineffective for computer applications. The here proposed algorithm is an effective linear interpolation of curvature, similar ta the successful used linear interpolation of normals on such surfaces.

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     abstract = { 3D model representation using irregular triangulated surfaces has become a powerful tool for modeling complex geologies. Often however, hybrid approaches have ta be used ta update those models, as algorithms depend on the smoothness of the surfaces, its normals and even its second derivatives. Especially ta guarantee continuity of the second derivatives (curvature) is a difficult task. Existing interpolation algorithms are often highly ineffective for computer applications. The here proposed algorithm is an effective linear interpolation of curvature, similar ta the successful used linear interpolation of normals on such surfaces. },
     author = { Mallet, Jean-Laurent AND Sword, Charles H. AND Velten, Wolfgang },
     booktitle = { 15th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Computation of smooth second derivatives on irregular triangulated surfaces },
     year = { 1997 }