Geometry and topology of karstic networks: a statistical analysis
Pauline Collon and Cécile Vuilleumier and David Bernasconi and Philippe Renard. ( 2016 )
in: Geometry and topology of karstic networks: a statistical analysis
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@inproceedings{collon:hal-03951859, TITLE = {{Geometry and topology of karstic networks: a statistical analysis}}, AUTHOR = {Collon, Pauline and Vuilleumier, C{\'e}cile and Bernasconi, David and Renard, Philippe}, URL = {}, BOOKTITLE = {{Geometry and topology of karstic networks: a statistical analysis}}, ADDRESS = {Neuch{\^a}tel, Switzerland}, YEAR = {2016}, HAL_ID = {hal-03951859}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }