Simulation of multiple-peaked skewed breakthrough curves with the new open-source program OM-MADE

Pauline Collon and Anne-Julie Tinet and Lorraine Dewaide and Vincent Hallet. ( 2018 )
in: Eurokarst 2018

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  TITLE = {{Simulation of multiple-peaked skewed breakthrough curves with the new open-source program OM-MADE}},
  AUTHOR = {Collon, Pauline and Tinet, Anne-Julie and Dewaide, Lorraine and Hallet, Vincent},
  URL = {},
  BOOKTITLE = {{Eurokarst 2018}},
  ADDRESS = {Besan{\c c}on, France},
  YEAR = {2018},
  MONTH = Jul,
  HAL_ID = {hal-01859144},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},