2003: Grand Prix Dolomieu (French Academy of Sciences)
2005: Prix Marcel Roubault from SGF
2007: Oustanding Student Award at HPCC
2009 SEG Significant Achievement Award
2009: IAMG's Vistelius Award
2010 SEG Merit Award
2011 Regional SPE MSc Award
2014 Computers & Geosciences Scholarship
2011 EAGE Erasmus Award
2016 SPE Regional Distinguished Achievement Award
2004 Mathematical Geology Best Paper Award
1994 SPE Computer Application Best Paper Award
2019 Michel Gouilloud Schlumberger Award from the French Académie des Sciences
2023: SEG Honorable Mention for Best Paper
New Training: SIGMA - Seismic Imaging for GeoModel Analysis
BIOMOre presentation movie
The 2017 RINGMeeting material is available
Season's Greetings 2018
RING Newsletter April 2018
Season's Greetings 2019