Correction: Double-peaked breakthrough curves as a consequence of solute transport through underground lakes: a case study of the Furfooz karst system, Belgium

Lorraine Dewaide and Pauline Collon and Amaël Poulain and Gaëtan Rochez and Vincent Hallet. ( 2019 )


There was an error in the fluorimeter data computing for tracer test 1 (Q= 20 l/s) at site 4. Indeed, due to a misinterpretation of the fluorimeter recording, some data should appear as interpolated. This interpolation was based, namely, on the comparison with other tracer test results. Figure 4 is corrected here with the interpolated data appearing as a red dotted line (top graph, see `interpolated data'). In consequence, the recovery rate (39.9%) calculated in Table 1 is an estimation based on the interpolated data. A note has been added to Table 1. Correction: Hydrogeology Journal (2018) 26:641-650

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 abstract = {There was an error in the fluorimeter data computing for tracer test 1 (Q= 20 l/s) at site 4. Indeed, due to a misinterpretation of the fluorimeter recording, some data should appear as interpolated. This interpolation was based, namely, on the comparison with other tracer test results. Figure 4 is corrected here with the interpolated data appearing as a red dotted line (top graph, see `interpolated data'). In consequence, the recovery rate (39.9%) calculated in Table 1 is an estimation based on the interpolated data. A note has been added to Table 1. Correction: Hydrogeology Journal (2018) 26:641-650},
 author = {Dewaide, Lorraine and Collon, Pauline and Poulain, Ama{\"e}l and Rochez, Ga{\"e}tan and Hallet, Vincent},
 doi = {10.1007/s10040-019-02044-6},
 hal_id = {insu-03665949},
 hal_version = {v1},
 pages = {3109-3111},
 title = {{Correction: Double-peaked breakthrough curves as a consequence of solute transport through underground lakes: a case study of the Furfooz karst system, Belgium}},
 url = {},
 year = {2019}