3D and 4D Geomodelling Applied to Mineral Resources Exploration—An Introduction
in: 3D, 4D and Predictive Modelling of Major Mineral Belts in Europe, pages 73-89, Springer
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@incollection{royer:hal-01963926, TITLE = {{3D and 4D Geomodelling Applied to Mineral Resources Exploration-An Introduction}}, AUTHOR = {Royer, J. and Mejia, P. and Caumon, G. and Collon, P.}, URL = {https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-01963926}, BOOKTITLE = {{3D, 4D and Predictive Modelling of Major Mineral Belts in Europe}}, EDITOR = {P{\"a}r Weihed}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer}}, SERIES = {Mineral Resource Reviews}, PAGES = {73-89}, YEAR = {2015}, MONTH = Jul, HAL_ID = {hal-01963926}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }