Pauline Collon

Pauline 2011

Research Topics

  • Characterization and modelling of connected geobodies (karstic networks, channnelized systems...)
  • Case study developments
  • Hydrogeochemistry of Post-Mining
  • Modeling of water-rock interaction at basin scale

Publication links

HAL (with author's version of Journal papers in free download) : Id9231

ORCID ID : 0000-0001-8505-4961

Scopus ID : 57211849236

Google Scholar : Profile


Pauline holds an MSc and Engineering degree from the Nancy School of Geology (ENSG, 2000). In 2003, she defended her PhD in Nancy on reactive fluid transport applied to the water quality after the flooding of iron mines in Lorraine, which received a Regional prize. She has then teached hydrogeology, GIS and geosciences 2 years in Strasbourg (ENGEES) and 2 years in the University of Reims (URCA) before joining the RING team in September 2007. She got her HDR in Geosciences in 2016. As a Professor of the University of Lorraine and GeoRessources laboratory, she teaches Geomodeling, Hydro(geo)logy, C++ Programming, GIS and (Geo)Statistics at the Nancy School of Geology (ENSG).

Her work is dedicated to the development of novel methodologies for the modelling of reservoirs characterized by a complex geometry, like flooded mines, karstic networks or channelized systems. Whatever the studied object, the concern is to find new solutions allowing to reproduce one or several natural processes (e.g., hydrochemistry in flooded mines) or geometries (karstic networks, channels) by combining field/laboratory data and theoretical concepts. The aim is not to find the exact theoretical solution but to find solutionS that account for the observed reality, its complexity and the associated uncertainties. Her research activities are thus at a crossroads between numerical geology, geomodelling, hydrogeology and hydrochemistry, geostatistics.

Contact Information

E-Mail :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone number:(+33) 3 72 74 45 23
ENSG office number:G207



Pauline Collon and Anne-Julie Tinet and Lorraine Dewaide and Vincent Hallet.
in: Eurokarst 2018
Dimitri Laurent and Eric C. Gaucher and Christophe Durlet and Cédric Carpentier and Guillaume Barré and Pauline Collon and Guillaume Paris and Jacques Pironon.
in: R{\'e}union des Sciences de la Terre RST2018


Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard.
in: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 82 (318 - 335)
Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard and David Bernasconi and Cécile Vuilleumier.
in: Journ{\'e}es du Karst 2017 - Workshop Karsts et Bassins S{\'e}dimentairess
Johan Jouves and Sophie Viseur and Bruno Arfib and Cécile Baudement and Hubert Camus and Pauline Collon and Yves Guglielmi.
in: Geomorphology
Pauline Collon and David Bernasconi and Cécile Vuilleumier and Philippe Renard.
in: Geomorphology, 283 (122-142)


Pauline Collon and Alexandre Pichat and Charlie Kergaravat and Arnaud Botella and Guillaume Caumon and Jean-Claude Ringenbach and Jean-Paul Callot.
in: Interpretation, 4:3 (SM17-SM31)
Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard and Julien Straubhaar and Judith Sausse.
in: Advances in Water Resources, 96 (145-169)
Pauline Collon and Cécile Vuilleumier and David Bernasconi and Philippe Renard.
in: Geometry and topology of karstic networks: a statistical analysis
Pauline Collon and Guillaume Rongier and Pierre Anquez and Pauline Mourlanette.
in: Eurokarst 2016, Universit{\'e} de Neuch{\^a}tel


in: 3D, 4D and Predictive Modelling of Major Mineral Belts in Europe, pages 73-89, Springer
Pauline Collon and Wendy Steckiewicz-Laurent and Jeanne Pellerin and Gautier Laurent and Guillaume Caumon and Guillaume Reichart and Laurent Vaute.
in: Computers \& Geosciences, 77 (29-43)