Blending-Based Stochastic Simulator
Jean-Laurent Mallet and A. Shtuka. ( 2000 )
in: Mathematical Geology, 32:3 (367-379)
This paper presents a new method of constructing random functions whose realizations can be evaluated efficiently. The basic idea is to "blend", both stochastically and linearly, a limited set of independent initial realizations previously generated by any chosen simulation method. The blending stochastic coefficients are determined in such a way that the new random function so generated has the same mean and covariance functions as the random function used for generating the initial realizations.
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@article{mallet:inria-00099365, abstract = {This paper presents a new method of constructing random functions whose realizations can be evaluated efficiently. The basic idea is to "blend", both stochastically and linearly, a limited set of independent initial realizations previously generated by any chosen simulation method. The blending stochastic coefficients are determined in such a way that the new random function so generated has the same mean and covariance functions as the random function used for generating the initial realizations.}, author = {Mallet, Jean-Laurent and Shtuka, A.}, hal_id = {inria-00099365}, hal_local_reference = {A00-R-114 || mallet00a}, hal_version = {v1}, journal = {{Mathematical Geology}}, keywords = {geostatistics ; random functions ; simulation}, note = {Article dans revue scientifique avec comit{\'e} de lecture.}, number = {3}, pages = {367-379}, publisher = {{Springer Verlag}}, title = {{Blending-Based Stochastic Simulator}}, url = {}, volume = {32}, year = {2000} }