GPU programming: the next dimension of computer graphics

Bruno Levy and Nicolas Ray and Ben Li. ( 2003 )
in: 23th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Computer Graphics Hardware has been quickly evolving for the last few years. Recent Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are now fully programmable. A customizable program can be executed for each vertex (Vertex Shader) and for each pixel (Pixel Shader). This flexibility can be used to dramatically improve graphics performances when displaying large models. The basic idea is to “replace triangles with pixels”. To implement this idea, we present in this paper three algorithms: • a multi-resolution analyzer for triangle meshes ; • a cascadic multi-grid parameterization algorithm (HLSCM) ; • a high-performance renderer, based on pixel shaders ; The paper concludes with results and examples. The presentation will demonstrate the methods with live demos, and describe practical aspects in depth.

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     abstract = { Computer Graphics Hardware has been quickly evolving for the last few years. Recent Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are now fully programmable. A customizable program can be executed for each vertex (Vertex Shader) and for each pixel (Pixel Shader). This flexibility can be used to dramatically improve graphics performances when displaying large models. The basic idea is to “replace triangles with pixels”. To implement this idea, we present in this paper three algorithms: • a multi-resolution analyzer for triangle meshes ; • a cascadic multi-grid parameterization algorithm (HLSCM) ; • a high-performance renderer, based on pixel shaders ; The paper concludes with results and examples. The presentation will demonstrate the methods with live demos, and describe practical aspects in depth. },
     author = { Levy, Bruno AND Ray, Nicolas AND Li, Ben },
     booktitle = { 23th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { GPU programming: the next dimension of computer graphics },
     year = { 2003 }