Stochastic simulation of impedances fitting seismic amplitudes and well data

Arben Shtuka and Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 2001 )
in: 21st gOcad Meeting, ASGA


The main objective of this paper is to present a new method of stochastic inversion of seismic amplitude. Existing methods are based on iterative algorithms such as simulated annealing, or simple accept/rejection principle. The convergence of these algorithms is not very well controlled and as consequence the CPU computing time remains important. In this paper we present a very simple approach which improve dramatically the convergence with the respect of all constraints. The main idea of proposed algorithm is to use an optimal ”Blending Based” simulator for generating a constrained random field of acoustic impedance.

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     abstract = { The main objective of this paper is to present a new method of stochastic inversion of seismic amplitude. Existing methods are based on iterative algorithms such as simulated annealing, or simple accept/rejection principle. The convergence of these algorithms is not very well controlled and as consequence the CPU computing time remains important. In this paper we present a very simple approach which improve dramatically the convergence with the respect of all constraints. The main idea of proposed algorithm is to use an optimal ”Blending Based” simulator for generating a constrained random field of acoustic impedance. },
     author = { Shtuka, Arben AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 21st gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Stochastic simulation of impedances fitting seismic amplitudes and well data },
     year = { 2001 }