Populating channel bodies with petrophysical data

Emmanuel Labrunye and Sophie Viseur and Arben Shtuka and Bruno Levy. ( 2001 )
in: 21st gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Object-based approaches or seismic data interpretations enable to obtain 3D channel stacking models. From these models, 3D images of petrophysical property (permeability and porosity) repartitions are often generated to be used as input data for flow simulators. In order to capture the curvilinear property anisotropy, due to deposition along sinuous fluvial bodies (e.g. channels), algorithms have been developed several years ago to simulate petrophysical properties within these simulated or modeled fluvial bodies. This year, an integrated approach is proposed to simulate a 3D image of property repartitions within an arbitrary domain and from 3D fluvial body stacking models. Optimized algorithms have been used to provide an efficient tool and then allow multi-realizations.

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     abstract = { Object-based approaches or seismic data interpretations enable to obtain 3D channel stacking models. From these models, 3D images of petrophysical property (permeability and porosity) repartitions are often generated to be used as input data for flow simulators. In order to capture the curvilinear property anisotropy, due to deposition along sinuous fluvial bodies (e.g. channels), algorithms have been developed several years ago to simulate petrophysical properties within these simulated or modeled fluvial bodies. This year, an integrated approach is proposed to simulate a 3D image of property repartitions within an arbitrary domain and from 3D fluvial body stacking models. Optimized algorithms have been used to provide an efficient tool and then allow multi-realizations. },
     author = { Labrunye, Emmanuel AND Viseur, Sophie AND Shtuka, Arben AND Levy, Bruno },
     booktitle = { 21st gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Populating channel bodies with petrophysical data },
     year = { 2001 }