Filling 3-dimensional geological models with nice tetrahedra honoring boundaries
François Lepage and Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 2001 )
in: 21st gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Generating well-shaped Delaunay meshes is an open problem for a long time. This paper presents a set of algorithms that aim to generate and improve both globally and locally the quality of a tetrahedral mesh. The generation of tetrahedral meshes has a wide range of applications in physical simulations such as £nite element methods (stress/strain analysis, ¤ow simulations), ray-tracing, and elsewhere. For all of these applications, the size and the shape of the tetrahedra are important because they have a strong in¤uence on the convergence and the stability of the algorithms. We assume that the mesh will be the result of a decomposition of a set of bounded regions into sets of tetrahedra.
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@inproceedings{LepageRM2001, abstract = { Generating well-shaped Delaunay meshes is an open problem for a long time. This paper presents a set of algorithms that aim to generate and improve both globally and locally the quality of a tetrahedral mesh. The generation of tetrahedral meshes has a wide range of applications in physical simulations such as £nite element methods (stress/strain analysis, ¤ow simulations), ray-tracing, and elsewhere. For all of these applications, the size and the shape of the tetrahedra are important because they have a strong in¤uence on the convergence and the stability of the algorithms. We assume that the mesh will be the result of a decomposition of a set of bounded regions into sets of tetrahedra. }, author = { Lepage, François AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent }, booktitle = { 21st gOcad Meeting }, month = { "june" }, publisher = { ASGA }, title = { Filling 3-dimensional geological models with nice tetrahedra honoring boundaries }, year = { 2001 } }