HESC: A new data structure for complex geometrical/topological algorithms

Bruno Levy and Charles H. Sword and Jean-Laurent Mallet and Nicolas Euler. ( 1998 )
in: 18th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Different algorithms acting globally on both the geometry and topology of triangulated surfaces are implemented in gOcad. For instance, the Cut algorithm computes the intersection between a set of triangulated surfaces, and the Perfect Contact Borders enables to create T-junctions between triangulated surfaces. All these algorithms require complicated data structures based on tables, lists, pointers,...in order to keep track of all topological information rather than re-computing it from the geometry. This data structure complexity makes these algorithms difficult to write and to maintain. For this reason, we propose in this paper to intriduce a new topological structure named a Hierarchically Embedded Simplicial Complex, enabling to mathematically define the transient state of complex topologial/geometrical algorithms acting on the so-called atomic objects of gOcad (VSets, PLines, TSurfs and TSolids). Not only this data structure will enable to make the existing code more easily maintainable, but also this will facilitate the design of new algorithms, based on high level operators.

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     abstract = { Different algorithms acting globally on both the geometry and topology of triangulated surfaces are implemented in gOcad. For instance, the Cut algorithm computes the intersection between a set of triangulated surfaces, and the Perfect Contact Borders enables to create T-junctions between triangulated surfaces. All these algorithms require complicated data structures based on tables, lists, pointers,...in order to keep track of all topological information rather than re-computing it from the geometry. This data structure complexity makes these algorithms difficult to write and to maintain. For this reason, we propose in this paper to intriduce a new topological structure named a Hierarchically Embedded Simplicial Complex, enabling to mathematically define the transient state of complex topologial/geometrical algorithms acting on the so-called atomic objects of gOcad (VSets, PLines, TSurfs and TSolids). Not only this data structure will enable to make the existing code more easily maintainable, but also this will facilitate the design of new algorithms, based on high level operators. },
     author = { Levy, Bruno AND Sword, Charles H. AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent AND Euler, Nicolas },
     booktitle = { 18th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "september" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { HESC: A new data structure for complex geometrical/topological algorithms },
     year = { 1998 }