Modeling Faulted Surfaces with DSI
Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 1996 )
in: 14th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
Building complex geological Illodels with heavy tectonie deformations requires tools that should be able to han (He correctly not only the geometry of objects, such as faults and geological layers, but a,Iso (,0 handle the relationships between these objects, In partieular a fault is to be modelcd as a surface, but also as a !îeld of displacement vectors. Alternatively, a fault ean be seen as a kind of hyperlink between its two si des, allowing for eontinuity of physical properties in layers that are geometrically displaced. Using the Discrete Smooth Interpolation metllOd, it is possible to design interpolation eonstraints that takes into account aIl of these behaviours.
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@inproceedings{MalletRM1996b, abstract = { Building complex geological Illodels with heavy tectonie deformations requires tools that should be able to han (He correctly not only the geometry of objects, such as faults and geological layers, but a,Iso (,0 handle the relationships between these objects, In partieular a fault is to be modelcd as a surface, but also as a !îeld of displacement vectors. Alternatively, a fault ean be seen as a kind of hyperlink between its two si des, allowing for eontinuity of physical properties in layers that are geometrically displaced. Using the Discrete Smooth Interpolation metllOd, it is possible to design interpolation eonstraints that takes into account aIl of these behaviours. }, author = { Mallet, Jean-Laurent }, booktitle = { 14th gOcad Meeting }, month = { "november" }, publisher = { ASGA }, title = { Modeling Faulted Surfaces with DSI }, year = { 1996 } }