Development of Ray Tracing in gOcad++

in: 12th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


The development of the implementation of ray tracing in gOcad++ is described. As there existed only a batch version of the tracing at the last meeting in June, the main goal was ta provide the interactive handling from within gOcad++. Adynamie tracing for homogeneous regions as weil as a new ray code, developped by Fabien Bosquet, was integrated. The notion of output data (RaySet) was extended. Keywords: interactivity, ray code, homogeneous tracing, RaySet format.

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     abstract = { The development of the implementation of ray tracing in gOcad++ is described. As there existed only a batch version of the tracing at the last meeting in June, the main goal was ta provide the interactive handling from within gOcad++. Adynamie tracing for homogeneous regions as weil as a new ray code, developped by Fabien Bosquet, was integrated. The notion of output data (RaySet) was extended. Keywords: interactivity, ray code, homogeneous tracing, RaySet format. },
     author = { Velten, Wolfgang AND Bosquet, Fabien },
     booktitle = { 12th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "october" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Development of Ray Tracing in gOcad++ },
     year = { 1995 }