DSI constraints for Grids (First Draft)
Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 1995 )
in: 12th gOcad Meeting, ASGA
The notion of grid (Voxet,SGrid) is becomming more and more important in tll€ GOCAD project and and we have to define new DSI constraints in order to go beyond the simple interpolation problem. In this paper, l present the very first draft of sorne few such constraints, In the forthcomming months, l plan to enrich this set of constraints with new ones aJlowing ta takle more and more complex problem and 1 rely on the sponsors for suggesting the problems which should be solved first.
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@inproceedings{MalletRM1995b, abstract = { The notion of grid (Voxet,SGrid) is becomming more and more important in tll€ GOCAD project and and we have to define new DSI constraints in order to go beyond the simple interpolation problem. In this paper, l present the very first draft of sorne few such constraints, In the forthcomming months, l plan to enrich this set of constraints with new ones aJlowing ta takle more and more complex problem and 1 rely on the sponsors for suggesting the problems which should be solved first. }, author = { Mallet, Jean-Laurent }, booktitle = { 12th gOcad Meeting }, month = { "october" }, publisher = { ASGA }, title = { DSI constraints for Grids (First Draft) }, year = { 1995 } }