DSI & Erratic Functions(Continued)

in: 11th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


In this chapter, we present how ta benent from the capabilities of the DSI method (See[5, 6] & Annex) for modeling a high frequency function ,p sampled on a low frequency set of sampling points L. Of course this is possible only if, in addition ta the set of data {,p(l) : 1 EL} observed on the set of sampling points L, we have a series of "external" information defining the style of the function. We will see how to use the notions of Cumulative Distribution Function and Variogram as external information denning the style of,p and how to account for this information with the Discrete Smooth Interpolation method.

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     abstract = { In this chapter, we present how ta benent from the capabilities of the DSI method (See[5, 6] & Annex) for modeling a high frequency function ,p sampled on a low frequency set of sampling points L. Of course this is possible only if, in addition ta the set of data {,p(l) : 1 EL} observed on the set of sampling points L, we have a series of "external" information defining the style of the function. We will see how to use the notions of Cumulative Distribution Function and Variogram as external information denning the style of,p and how to account for this information with the Discrete Smooth Interpolation method. },
     author = { Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 11th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { DSI & Erratic Functions(Continued) },
     year = { 1995 }