Reservoir heterogeneities: new tools in GOCAD++

Arben Shtuka and Liliane Wietzerbin and Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 1995 )
in: 11th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


The goal ofthis paper is ta show the new implementation in GOCAD++ of geometric reservoir simulation based on GShape abject. The algorithms and methods applied are based in previous implementation in C version ofGOCADdeveloped by Liliane Witzerbin. The first part of the paper is a short theoretical description of used method. The second pan contains a description of principal classes included in thés new implementation of geometric simulation of reservoirs. An example of simulation of a turbitie reservoir is presented in order to illustrate the utilization of this tools.

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     abstract = { The goal ofthis paper is ta show the new implementation in GOCAD++ of geometric reservoir simulation based on GShape abject. The algorithms and methods applied are based in previous implementation in C version ofGOCADdeveloped by Liliane Witzerbin. The first part of the paper is a short theoretical description of used method. The second pan contains a description of principal classes included in thés new implementation of geometric simulation of reservoirs. An example of simulation of a turbitie reservoir is presented in order to illustrate the utilization of this tools. },
     author = { Shtuka, Arben AND Wietzerbin, Liliane AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 11th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Reservoir heterogeneities: new tools in GOCAD++ },
     year = { 1995 }