Surface Curvature Analysis

in: 8th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Studying the curvature of a surface gives information on the developability of the surface, Le. the fact that the surface may be flattened without stretching. The analysis of the Curvature is also important in the unfolding process because it gives information for detecting the faults. In this paper we will introduce you the notion of curvature, the way to compute it in GOCAD and the different applications of this notion.

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     abstract = { Studying the curvature of a surface gives information on the developability of the surface, Le. the fact that the surface may be flattened without stretching. The analysis of the Curvature is also important in the unfolding process because it gives information for detecting the faults. In this paper we will introduce you the notion of curvature, the way to compute it in GOCAD and the different applications of this notion. },
     author = { Samson, Philippe AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 8th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "september" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Surface Curvature Analysis },
     year = { 1993 }