RINGMesh  Version 5.0.0
A programming library for geological model meshes
RINGMesh File Formats

Available Input/Output file formats

In RINGMesh you can import and export GeoModel from files in the following formats:

Import File Formats

  • .ml: Model3D format from SKUA-GOCAD.
  • .so: TSolid volumetric mesh (tetrahedra) format from SKUA-GOCAD. Gocad/Skua Model3D information must be inside the .so file.
  • .gm: RINGMesh internal format (boundary representation or volumetric model).

Export File Formats

  • .obj: surface mesh format.
  • .csmp: CSMP++ format (export 3 files: .asc, .dat, -regions.txt).
  • .gmsh: Gmsh format (can also export additional information for Kine3D).
  • .gprs: GPRS format.
  • .mail: ASTER format.
  • .meshb: LibMesh format.
  • .gm: homemade format.
  • .so: TSolid format for SKUA-GOCAD.
  • .tetgen: TetGen format (export 3 files: .node, .ele, .neigh).
  • .vtk: VTK format for ParaView.

RINGMesh can then be used as a file converter to ease connection with different software see RINGMesh Functionalities

RINGMesh file format .gm

RINGMesh uses a homemade file format associated to the .gm extension.

A .gm file is an archive (zip) that contains:

  • .geogram files (binaries) storing the meshed entities of the GeoModel (RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity). For more details about .geogram file, see Geogram documentation.
  • mesh_entities.txt storing of each RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity its name, its geological feature and the indexes of its boundaries. Universe information is also stored.
  • geological_entities.txt storing the definition of each built-in RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity (type, name, geological feature, child indexes). It does not contain the definition of the RINGMesh::Universe.

To extract the files contained in the .gm file, change the extension from .gm to .zip and then unzip.

Geometry and Attribute of GeoModel Mesh Entities

The GeoModel mesh entities (RINGMesh::Corner, RINGMesh::Line, RINGMesh::Surface and meshed RINGMesh::Region) are saved in .geogram files.
Non-meshed RINGMesh::Region are thus not saved as .geogram file. Their information are still in mesh_entities.txt.
There is one file for each of the mesh entities. The name of the file is ENTITY-TYPE_ENTITY-ID.geogram. For instance:

Connectivity of GeoModel Meshed Entities

The text file mesh_entities.txt stores information relative to the RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity. The header gives the geomodel name and the numbers of each type of mesh entities constituting the GeoModel. The number of regions must be written even if there are not meshed. In the example below, the geomodel name is model_default_name, and there are 16 corners, 28 lines, 16 surfaces and 3 regions.

GeoModel name model_default_name Nb Corner 16 Nb Line 28 Nb Surface 16 Nb Region 3

The text file mesh_entities.txt stores for each mesh entity: its id, its name, its geological features and the indexes of its boundary mesh entities.

  • For each RINGMesh::Corner there is no boundary. Boundary id list is kept empty. In the example below the corner has the id 10 in the GeoModel, does not have a name nor a geological feature.
        Corner 10 No_name no_geological_feature
  • For each RINGMesh::Line are stored the indexes of its boundaries (RINGMesh::Corner). In the example below the line has the id 22 in the GeoModel, does not have a name nor a geological feature. Its boundaries are the corner 8 and the corner 10 in the GeoModel.
        Line 22 No_name no_geological_feature
        boundary 8 10
  • For each RINGMesh::Surface are stored the indexes of its boundaries (RINGMesh::Line). In the example below the surface has the id 1 in the GeoModel, does not have a name. Its geological feature is top. Its boundaries are the line 1, the line 4, the line 7 and the line 21 in the GeoModel.
        Surface 1 No_name top
        boundary 1 4 7 21
  • For each RINGMesh::Region are stored the indexes of its boundary (RINGMesh::Surface). The keyword boundary is omitted. For RINGMesh::Region only, the boundary indexes are signed: + if the surface normals are oriented toward region volume, else -. This information must be written even if the region is not meshed. In the example below the region has the id 3 in the GeoModel. Its name is r3. It does not have any geological feature. Its boundaries are the surface 7, the surface 14, the surface 25 and the surface 29 in the GeoModel. Normals of surfaces 7 and 14 are oriented toward the region volume. Normals of surfaces 25 and 29 are oriented toward outside the region volume.
        Region 3 r3 no_geological_feature
        +7 +14 -25 -29
  • The RINGMesh::Universe must be written. No name nor geological feature are written. The syntax for its boundaries (RINGMesh::Surface) is the same as for the regions.
        +5 -7 -0 +9 +3 -12

Topology of the GeoModel Geological Entities

The file geological_entities.txt links the RINGMesh::GeoModelGeologicalEntity to the RINGMesh::GeoModelMeshEntity. The header gives the numbers of each type of geological entities constituting the GeoModel. In the example below the GeoModel has 20 contacts, 8 interfaces and 0 layer.

Nb Contact 20
Nb Interface 8
Nb Layer 0

Then information identifying the CONTACTS, INTERFACES and LAYERS (if any) is entered:

  • Each Contact is identified by its id, its name, its geological feature, and the indexes of the Lines that constitute this Contact.
      Contact 13 the_name_of_the_contact geological_feature
      13 14 16
  • Each Interface is identified by its id, its name, its geological feature, and the indexes of the Surfaces that constitute this Interface. The geological feature gives information on the interface type from a geological point of view.
        Interface 4 the_name_of_the_interface geological_feature
        6 7 8
  • Each Layer is identified by its id, its name and the indexes of the Regions that constitute this Layer.
      Layer 2 the_name_of_this_layer
      1 10 9 8 5 14