"Using the LUMOS software to sequentially insert fractures by local mesh modification"

Webinar byCapucine Legentil

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We propose a local updating method and a tool (LUMOS software) to locally modify 2D geological models. In this webinar, we present a use case of LUMOS to test different fracture network scenarios and assess their impact on fluid flow in the subsurface. The input triangulated model is conforming to geological structures and previously inserted fractures. Each fracture to be inserted into this mesh is parametrized by its center, size and, azimuth, from which we compute a level set representation. The 2D model is then locally updated so that the mesh becomes conformal to the inserted fracture, and the remeshed area is restricted to the neighborhood of the fracture. Starting from an initial mesh of the computational domain, this workflow makes it possible to sequentially insert various fractures and to assess their impact on the flow behavior. For this, we run the numerical flow simulations with RINGFlow code, developed by Mustapha Zakari. The results on a relatively simple 2D setting illustrate the ill-posedness of the history matching problem and the difficulty to forecast the number and position of fractures only from flow data. This highlights the potential of our approach to search the space of possible models to support reservoir decisions.


KeywordsTriangle mesh, Geomodeling, Fracture network, Physical simulation