Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Godefroy who sucessfully defended his PhD on kinematic and stochastic fault modeling on the 29th of March 2018! You can have a look at the presentation here

 Gabriel's PhD thesis is available, and you ay also want to check out his Mathematical Geoscience paper and Interpretation paper.

Image these gabi.

Discover or rediscover the introduction to the 2018 RING Meeting.

All papers, presentations and records are at your disposal in the Sponsor’s Corner.

Congratulations to Modeste Irakarama who won the best student oral presentation, about the interpolation of geological structures, entitled: Finite Difference Implicit Structural Modelling.


SIGMA is a research library developed by the RING team.The version uploaded for this training has programs for acoustic modeling, extended imaging, and structural interpolation.

The RING Team is pleased to present you the Newsletter for April 2018.

Discover our exclusive new display !

In this issue, you will:

  • Get acquainted with our new Team members
  • Follow all the Team during upcoming conferences and trips
  • Be focused on RINGMesh
  • Have all the necessary information about 2018 RING Meeting
  • And many other things...



Annonce 30th Anniversary 2019 RING Meeting

The 2019 RING Meeting celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Consortium !

In the introduction below, we propose an overview of this year's program blended with an historical perspective of some significant Consortium achievements.

Congratulations to Dr. Antoine Mazuyer who sucessfully defended his PhD on the 19th of April 2018! The video of the defense in now available (in French) on YouTube.

We are very pleased to announce two PhD defenses and a small workshop on geophysics and structural modeling on April 24 and 25, 2019.

- April 24, 13h (ENSG, Amphi G): PhD Defense of Julien Renaudeau: Continuous formulation of implicit structural modeling discretized with mesh reduction methods.

- April 25, 9h (ENSG, Amphi H): Geophysics and structural modeling workshop

  • 9h Sophie Viseur (CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Universite): Extra-terrestrial modeling
  • 9h30 Florian Wellmann (RWTH Aachen): Quantification of uncertainties in geological models
  • 10h Laetitia Le Pourhiet (Université Pierre et Marie Curie): 3D thermo-mechanical forward modelling of long term tectonic processes
  • 10h30 Break
  • 10h45 Alexandrine Gesret (Mines Paris Tech): Uncertainty estimation by stochastic seismic tomography
  • 11h15 Pierre Thore (Total): On time-laspe seismic and history matching.
  • 11h45 Thomas Bohlen (KIT): Applications of Full Waveform Inversion at different spatial scales [PDF]

- April 25, 14h30 (ENSG, Amphi H): PhD Defense of Modeste Irakarama: Towards Reducing Structural Interpretation Uncertainties Using Seismic Data.

Congratulations to Dr. Marion Parquer who sucessfully defended his PhD on the 5th of April 2018! The video of the defense in now available (in French) on YouTube.

The RING team wishes you a merry holiday season, and a happy and peaceful year 2018 !

RING's (salt) Chrismas Tree. Happy Holiday Season!

This RING Christmas Tree was generated with SKUA-GOCAD using the stochastic method of Nicolas Clausolles, see Nicolas's IAMG 2018 award on salt modeling.