The 2015 RING Meeting attracted an international group of 112 attendees to exchange about geomodeling research.
It has been a busy meeting with high quality technical presentations and very interesting discussions. 24 oral presentations, 22 posters and 9 trainings have been given. 12 industrial sponsors and 18 associate sponsors were represented during the meeting which took place in Nancy between the 22nd and the 25th of September 2015.
For the first time, oral presentations have been recorded. The videos will be accessible from the Sponsor's corner as soon as their montage is completed. Trainings are already accessible to sponsors in html format.
Congratulations to Guillaume Rongier who won the best student oral presentation contest with his presentation entitled:
"A new application of L-systems to model channel system architecture and connectivity"
The team wants to thanks all the participants for their presence, questions and feedback.