A seminar by: Fabien Bosquet at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 7th of April, 1:00 pm.
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A seminar by: Professor Helmut Schaeben (TU Freiberg) at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 31st of March, 1:00 pm.
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Nicolas Jules Goffaux at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 17th of March, 1:00 pm.
The aim of this project is to document the element mobility and understand the structurally and geochemically controlled uranium mineralization and establishing vectoring tools for uranium exploration. The first aim of this project is to build a model of the Mesoproterozoic Athabasca Basin, the unconformity, and the underlying Archean/Paleoproterozic basement lithologies using GOCAD. This first modeling stage is performed thanks to borehole data, geological maps, aeromagnetic maps, and gravity maps. This shows that the basin architecture is influenced by large-scale fault zones, reactivated from the underlying basement rocks, and faults post-dating the basin deposition. The challenge will be to understand the fault network and the geological history of the basin. As soon as this basin model has been constructed, a more detailed analysis of the McArthur River Zones 3 and 4 will be performed. Seismic data, local geological maps and more detailed boreholes will be used in order to create a comprehensive 3D model at the mine scale. In a final stage, geochemical data will be coupled to the model using ioGAS and its link to GOCAD. The aim of this stage (the final aim of the project) is to document the element mobility and associated mass-balance gains/losses within and out of the mineralized zones for understanding the structural-geochemical controls of mineralization and for establishing geochemical vectoring tools for regional- to district-scale uranium exploration.
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Priscille Colin at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 10th of March, 1:00 pm.
Les bassins sédimentaires sont des systèmes dynamiques qui se construisent grâce à des processus complexes liés entre eux et contrôlés par de nombreux paramètres. Les variables physiques telles que la température, les contraintes mécaniques, la pression de pore doivent être quantifiées et localisées à travers les âges géologiques car elles contrôlent les mécanismes tels que la maturation du kérogène et les chemins d’écoulement. Aujourd’hui les simulateurs de bassin se basent sur une simplification du tenseur des contraintes mécaniques et considèrent uniquement le poids de la colonne sédimentaire. En faisant tourner des simulations 2D avec le logiciel TemisFlow (IFPen) qui fonctionne avec le simulateur Visco (approche 1D du tenseur des contraintes) sur des modèles synthétiques de marge passive non faillées, on cherche à accéder aux limites de cette simplification. Le projet NOMBA porté par l’IFPen et Total vise à intégrer les effets géomécaniques 3D dans un géomodeleur pour analyser la contribution des contraintes non-verticales dans le comportement hydro-mécanique des marges passives. La comparaison des résultats des simulations entre les simulateurs 1D et 3D permettra de cibler pour quelles situations le simulateur 3D devient alors nécessaire.
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Gautier Laurent at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 3rd of March, 1:00 pm.
With the MXSim project supported by the Labex R21, we have just started a new stage in the process of integrating fluid-rock interactions in the realm of RING and GeoRessources modelling capabilities. During this seminar, we'll talk about connecting Thermo/Hydro/Mecha/Chemical (THMC) simulations in our modelling framework, with a particular focus on coupling USGS's PhreeqC with Gocad. I'll explain what coupling these two codes involves and show some example of what is already possible within the freshly created MXSim gocad plugin. More generally, I'll propose a reflection upon modelling scenarios where solving scientific questions requires both complex subsurface characterisation and reactive transport simulations.
This seminar will also hopefully trigger a discussion about the future of coupling (gocad|ringmesh)-based data structures with THMC simulators. All in all, this seminar addresses both numerical developers and geologists interested in fluid-rock interactions, so please don't hesitate to join and share your brightest (or darkest) wishes (of course related to fluid-rock-structure interaction)
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Nicolas Clausolles at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 17th of February, 1:00 pm.
Because a 25 year old four-eyes bald programmer is not sexy, you should avoid as much trouble as you can to yourself and other programmers when coding. Clean code is the art of writing a code that is: i) easy to understand (for both other programmers and you a couple of weeks after having written it), ii) easy to debug, and iii) easy to modify/improve.
In this seminar, we will explore some ideas about how to write clean codes, and most of all how to avoid leaving ugly codes to your fellows. Your programming skills do not matter, it is all about your willing and good practices !
This seminar is mainly based on Robert C. Martin's book, Clean Code, and Arnaud Botella's seminar, Ideas to write clean code (2016, wiki)
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Gabriel Godefroy at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 3rd of February, 1:00 pm.
Au cours de ma thèse, je m’intéresse à la modélisation des failles et des incertitudes associées. Je présenterais deux méthodes de construction de structures faillées. Ces méthodes intègrent un modèle numérique des déformations associés à la faille afin de produire des géométries cohérentes. La prise en compte des incertitudes lors de l'interprétation des observations de failles sera également abordée.
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Pierre Anquez at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 27th of January, 1:00 pm.
In geomodeling, a sealed geological model is needed to partition the subsurface in several watertight rock volumes by interpreted structural geometries.This geological boundary representation can then be used as input for meshing, then flow and geomechanical modeling. However, it is still difficult to easily generate sealed geological models. Whether geomodels are created using implicit surfaces or explicit surfaces, small gaps and/or overlaps may exist between surfaces preventing the generation of volumetric meshes. There is also a need for geomodel simplification such as small feature removal to avoid the generation of 3D mesh with a poor quality. In this talk, I will try to answer to the following questions. How to automatically repair a geomodel with inconsistencies? How to simplify a geomodel to help further unstructured 3D meshing? In this respect, I will present the method I am developing to solve these issues and some first results.
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- Category: Seminar
A seminar by: Modeste Irakarama at ENSG, Nancy, room G201
On: Friday, 20th of January, 1:00 pm.
Conceptual uncertainty is inherent to structural modeling, a single seismic image can lead to multiple structural interpretations. Can we use seismic data to evaluate the relative quality of possible candidate interpretations? This will be the subject of this seminar. In this talk, I will first give assumptions and propose conditions under which such a problem can be solved; then I'll present an example. We will then close the seminar with an open discussion and exchange of ideas about the proposed method.
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- Category: Seminar