In this paper published in Computers & Geosciences, we present OM-MADE, an open-source solution to help a first analysis and simulation of long tail multi-peaked Breakthrough curves observed in karstic systems. OM-MADE (One-dimensional Model for Multiple Advection, Dispersion, and storage in Exchanging zones) is an open-source Python code available on the Github platform : . The capacities of the software to combine dual-advective-dispersive flow and interaction with immobile water along a flow path discretized into several reaches is demonstrated on the Furfooz area (Belgium).

The complete paper can be found here for free download :

If you use it, please refer to the paper :

Tinet A.J., Collon P., Philippe C., Dewaide L., Hallet V. (2019). OM-MADE: An open-source program to simulate one-dimensional solute transport in multiple exchanging conduits and storage zones. Computers & Geosciences, 127, 23–35.

geothermal energy

This study investigates the thermo-hydraulic implications of three geologic scenarios for characterizing the geothermal hydrology of Basse-Terre Island, Guadeloupe. Despite newly acquired magnetotelluric, petrophysical, and geologic data, flow patterns and heat sources have remained elusive. Our simulations were performed in 2D, on a cross section going from La Soufrière volcano in the south to the operating Bouillante geothermal field near the west coast. Simulation results are compared to geologic constraints such as the temperature profile measured at Bouillante and the timing of volcanic activity in the area, which may be indicative of new heat sources at depth. The simulations indicate that during lateral flow from La Soufrière, geothermal fluids would cool too much to explain the temperature at Bouillante. Two other scenarios were found to explain the current thermal structure of the Bouillante geothermal system: a young (ca.  5000 years) and more local magmatic intrusion at depth, or vertical corridors of enhanced permeability that tap hot and porous formations at a few km depth. Without further geologic evidence, neither of these two scenarios can be preferred. The second magma chamber scenario would indicate a more complex magmatic history of the island than previously established. The study shows that geologically constrained scenarios of regional geothermal hydrology can be meaningfully tested with current numerical simulation techniques, providing further insights for geothermal exploration.

Geological objects and physical parameter fields in the subsurface: a review

This open-access paper reviews some practical and theoretical frameworks which exist to translate geological concepts into three-dimensional models. The bottomline is that geological parameterizations of subsurface objects offer new ways to quantify subsurface uncertainties and to reduce it. The links between model topology, geometry and properties are also discussed.


Graphical Abstract


2020 cmp picture


The paper presents an algorithm to generate sphere packing. Produced packing honors complex geological structural and stratigraphic discontinuities. We demonstrated the ability of the method to create adaptive particle radii in order to reduce the global number of sphere while keeping a precise description of small geological heterogeneities. Packings have been validated both using classical statistical metrics from the literature and solving uniaxial and triaxial mechanical simulations with Discrete Element Methods.

Laurent 2016 epsl
We are please to announce our new publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Download the paper here (free access until the 21st of December)!

2019Clausolles Image Pub

In this paper, published in Interpretation, we present an implicit method to automatically generate several possible models of salt top surfaces with varying geometries and topologies. This method can be conditioned to available data such as well markers and seismic picks.

The paper can be download freely here :

Clausolles, N., Collon, P., & Caumon, G. (2019). Generating variable shapes of salt geobodies from seismic images and prior geological knowledge. Interpretation, 7(4), T829–T841.

LinkedIn Rongier2017MarineP

In this new paper published in Marine and Petroleum Geology (i) we propose a geometrical and descriptive approach to stochastically control the channel stacking patterns; (ii) we demonstrate trhrough quantitative metrics that this method makes it possible to control the connectivity between the channels by adjusting the geometry of the migrating areas.

The complete paper can be found here for free download.

Rongier G., Collon P., Renard P. (2017). A geostatistical approach to the simulation of stacked channels. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 82, 318–335. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.01.027

Resume graphique

In this paper, published in Hydromettalurgy, we investigate indirect in-situ bioleaching as an alternative mining technology for minimizing waste production, environmental impact, and chemical consumption. Laboratory column experiments are described and their results are used to develop a one-dimensional reactive transport model based on PhreeqC software. This model is then adapted to in-situ conditions by considering the preferential flow of fluids through natural or artificial fractures of enhanced hydraulic conductivity.

A free download of the paper would be available here in January 2020 :

Laurent, G., Izart, C., Lechenard, B., Golfier, F., Marion, P., Collon, P., … Filippov, L. (2019). Numerical modelling of column experiments to investigate in-situ bioleaching as an alternative mining technology. Hydrometallurgy, 188, 272–290.