Pierre Anquez, PhD Candidate
April 2019
This page lists several animated GIFs illustrating physical simulations mentionned in my PhD thesis (Anquez, 2019).
Chapter 5 :
- Comparison between wave fields at frequence equals to 300 Hz.
Chapter 7:
- Comparison between fluid flows on the 4 versions of model A.
- Comparison between fluid flows on the 4 versions of model B.
- Comparison between fluid flows on the 4 versions of model C.
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- Category: New case studies
Merlebach is a former coal mine located in Lorraine (France), that is targeted to be exploited for low-temperature geothermal energy production.
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- Category: New case studies
Thanks to WebExporter you can visualize the model in 3D here (!15Mo)
Data are available for download here. To use them, please cite the corresponding publication : " Collon P., Pichat A., Kergaravat C., Botella A., Caumon G., Ringenbach J. claude, Callot J.P. (2016). 3D modelling from outcrop data in a salt tectonic context : Example from the Inceyol mini-basin, Sivas Basin, Turkey. Interpretation, InPress, 1–47."
The Oligo-Miocene basin of Sivas (Turkey) is a new choice analogue for the study of salt tectonic with outstanding outcrops reflecting the variety of salt related structures: minibasins, diapirs, welds....
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- Category: New case studies