The RING Consortium is administered by ASGA (Association Scientifique pour la Géologie et ses Applications),
a non-for-profit organization authorized for Crédit-Impôt Recherche tax (tax deduction under French law).

There are three levels of Consortium membership:

  • Industrial members (Companies & organizations)
  • Restricted Industrial members (Companies with 30 or less employees)
  • Associate members (Universities and non-for-profit organizations)

Industrial Members

All companies or organizations can join as regular industrial members for a fixed annual fee of 25,000 Euros (plus an entry fee of 5000 EUR).

The regular industrial members have full access to RING research outputs, including free of charge source code.

Restricted Industrial Members

Small companies of 30 employees or less are eligible to the restricted industrial member status.
The annual cost for restricted industrial members is 5,000 Euros (plus an entry fee of 5000 EUR).

Restricted industrial members have limited rights on Consortium outputs compared to regular industrial members.

Associate Members

Universities and non-for-profit organizations can join and profit from various advantages.
The annual RING-GOCAD Consortium fee is 1500 Euros (€).

Licenses for the SKUA-GOCAD software are not provided by ASGA and may be independently purchased from AspenTechPlease contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The information on this page is subject to change without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of ASGA or AspenTech.

Please contact us for any question.