You don't have yet the qualifications to start a PhD ? Our MSc may interest you ! 



Team circles 2023

 Photo credits: Julie Noury Soyer 

PostDoc opportunities

PostDoc applications for 2024 are now open - Deadline: July 15.

We welcome Post Doc researchers who are interested in working on RING's research topics and we support funding applications to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Fond National Suisse, and others. Find out more about RING's technologies and publications.

Contact us at
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Two-year postdoc position at University of Lorraine (France) 
Tetrahedral mesh updating for subsurface modeling: line and finite surface insertion.


PhD opportunities

PhD applications for 2024 are now closed

Project #1: Seismic wave propagation in multi-scale fractured media

Project #2: Stochastic fault and fracture modelling: towards a new model for 3D seismic interpretation


Two pathways

ENSG Numerical geology Option (GN)

ENSG students can choose the numerical geology pathway in semesters 9-10. They learn the fundamentals of subsurface computer-based modeling methods using mathematical and computer science concepts (geometry, topology, statistics, inverse methods).

They build their programing and software development skills to work in large-scale software teams. They develop programming skills for scientific computing using C++.

In complement to their base geoscience education, they also develop domain knowledge by working on case studies using examples of subsurface modeling in petroleum and mining.

These skills are complemented by a significant attention brought to an individial R&D project. These projects are generally proposed by the Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) team (, which benefits from strong interactions with industry.

For ENSG students, joining the GN option is interesting because :

  • The personal projet is a very important part of the course as it gives students the opportunity to put their knowledge in geosciences and programing in practice.

  • ENSG students can enroll into a "contrat de professionalisation", split between the courses and a company work placement all-year long. In that case, students get a full time salary paid by the company. All students have at least 16 weeks full-time of intersnhip during the last semester.

  • This cursus prepares students for software-related positions.

  • The ENSG Engineer diploma is highly recognized nationally and in some countries.

To apply, you must enter the ENSG's "Diplôme d'ingénieur" either in 1st year after a concours d'entrée or a Bachelor, or in 2nd year after a M1.

Master 2 STPE / GEIR information

The M2 GEIR has almost the same teaching contents as the ENSG option described above (refered to as 'Mutualization'), and is accessible directly for students who have the appropriate background. 

As compared to the ENSG engineering degree, the M2 degree is more research oriented:

  • It includes a longer laboratory internship, with a bigger and therefore a more ambitious project, usually enhanced by an article in the annual congress organized by the GeoRessources lab's RING Consortium. The internship is from mid-February to mid-May.

  • Before the internship, you will have the opportunity to explore the scientific litterature with a bibliographic project.

  • This lab experience can help you decide if Research interests you and gives you more credibility to apply for a PhD in Nancy or elsewhere.

  • The Master is recognized internationally (the Engineer diploma is in theory equivalent however in some countries you may be asked for a text explanation when you apply for a position).

  • You can apply for excellency scholarships from the ORION program.

All M2 students can also make a summer internship with a company after their reseaxcrh internship.

Candidate profile

Students must have a M1 (or a M2 in Sciences of the Earth) to apply directly for a M2.
Students with diplomas obtained abroad are advised to have a M1 or M2 level to apply.
Candidates must be rigorous, autonomous, with a strong motivation and a scientific questioning mind.

How to apply

Click here (Etudes en France) if you apply from Algeria, Argentina, Bénin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Chili, China, Colombia, Comores, Congo, South Corea, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Koweit, Liban, Madagascar, Mali, Maroc, Maurice, Mauritanie, Mexique, Peru, République démocratique du Congo, Russia, Sénégal, Singapore, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisie, Turkey, USA or Vietnam.

In all other cases: Click here to apply to the STPE Master via e-candidat.univ-lorraine
Deadline: 15/06/2024


Note : If you are intersted in a work-study contract, you must still apply via e-candidat before the deadline above without waiting to find a company.